IML Easycore

IML Easycore for IML mould shaping in IML Robot application

Simco-Ion’s patented IML charging technique for use in IML robot applications (example here) is even more versatile with the IML Easycore 2 component resin for construction of IML cores. The conductive IML Mould resin can be used to transfer the power of the Simco-IOn IML Generators to the IML Labels.

IML Easycore

Even very complex and small cores can be constructed with the 2 component resin. The resin is specially developed by Simco-Ion to have the perfect electrical and mechanical properties for use as an IML core. All mechanical operations s.a. drilling, grinding, milling etc are possible to make the core to the perfect shape and size. The IML Easycore comes in duo-packs consisting of the resin and the correct amount of hardener. A video showing the process of mixing the Simco-IOn Easycore Resin can be found here. Package sizes of 250 g are available.

IML Easycore Highlights

  • Difficult shapes possible
  • Easy construction
  • Grinding, milling and drilling possible
  • Perfect electrical properties

Full control of static electricity in your production process thanks to the IQ Easy Platform


  • 2 component resin for construction of IML cores
  • Even very complex and small cores can be constructed
  • Comes in duo-packs consisting of the resin and the correct amount of hardener
  • Available in 250 and 500 g

Technical specification

Pot life 150g 20 – 40 minutes
Gel time 150g mass @ 25°C 40 – 80 minutes
Minimum cure Full cure
Cure schedule 24 hours @ 20°C | 1 week @ 20°C
2 hours @ 60°C | 4 hours @ 60°C
1 hours @ 80°C | 2 hours @ 80°C
Flame retardant Yes
Shore A hardness 78
Electric strength 16 kV/mm

Product specification