Smartply Sick Sensors Case Study

The Problem

In this heavy industry the diagonal separator feeds logs to the saw, one at a time. When too many logs are present it leads to a jam as the in-feed conveyor continues to feed more logs. It was very difficult to identify when to stop the in-feed conveyor using standard laser sensors in such a rough environment. Several had been tried unsuccessfully over a number of years.

The Solution

The SICK TIM3** 2D LiDAR Sensor was mounted overhead and using the free software, a map was drawn of the zone that needs to be kept empty. Once something entered that zone, the infeed conveyor comes to a halt, and allows the blockage to clear safely without adding to it.

This ran successfully for a number of weeks before being phased in on several other similar applications in this plant.

Overall the collaboration between the Engineering team in Smartply with support and on-site training provided by SICK and PSI proved to be very successful.

Contact us to discuss your application at or 051 643000.

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